Thursday, May 20, 2010

British Volunteer Invasion at the Tool Lending Library!

Thanks volunteers!

Hannah, Amanda, Gareth and Charig graciously gifted us with their well-schooled painting efforts in the midst of a medical conference last Tuesday.

Their group, "Ubuntu", poured their souls into what will become our future Tool Lending Library billboard which will be the beacon to guide future members our way.

Thanks you guys, I hope you made it back to the hotel without getting poured on!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New "DIY Energy Auditing" section added

Hello members and fans,

We have a new section entitled DIY Energy Auditing which will eventually contain instruction and supplemental resources on how to conduct your own energy audit.  We hope to provide all the help you will need to give you a boost on the path towards green, economical living.

On the page is a rundown of tools to be included in our upcoming DIY Energy Audit Kit made possible by the Market Umbrella's Crescent Fund.  In the kit, you'll find some fancy electronics as well as some everyday items you might never associate with energy efficiency.

Eventually, we'll post our finalized how-to manual, accompanied by a user-friendly checklist designed and used by Global Green staff.  That way users can return the kit and head to Global Green or another green resource in the area with a concrete idea of what the next steps are towards energy efficiency.

More to come soon so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Researching for the DIY Energy Auditing Kit

Hello Members,

This month of May, we hope to be finalizing the tool list for the DIY Energy Auditing Kit.  A bit of research goes a long way as we uncover more resources for saving energy in and around our homes and apartments.  Again, we'd like to thank the Crescent City Farmer's Market whom this opportunity would not be possible without.

Some local resources you may be familiar with include:
We hope to be collaborating with these and other organizations, especially with the help of the Public Library's own Village Green program lead, Ella Stelter, who had approached us with the initial concept for the project!

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