Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NOLA Energy Survey

The City of New Orleans needs your help!  There is a push occurring to try and make New Orleans a greener city, with greener neighborhoods. There will be several programs coming on-line in the coming months and years that will help homeowners retrofit their homes through rebate programs and affordable financing option.

Want to Help?   

By filling out a brief online survey (located at: you will be helping the city of New Orleans understand your household energy profile.This information will help create programs that meet the city's need most effectively, which will in turn lead to a greener New Orleans. 

To learn more about the the City of New Orleans' efforts in energy efficiency and renewable energy, please visit:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Green Project Projectivities Educational Workshop Series

The Green Project's weekly environmental educational workshops are back...and fully reloaded!!! Beginning in February, HandsOn New Orleans' Tool Lending Library (TLL) team members will lead monthly workshops during The Green Project’s Green Projectivities Educational Workshop Series. The TLL team’s first workshop—focused on small engine maintenance and repair—will take place on February 26 at The Green Project’s office, 2831 Marais Street. 

Additional workshop topics include home weatherization, tool maintenance, furniture refinishing and more. Workshops are free to The Green Project members and only $5 for the general public. For a complete list of weekly workshop topics, times, and additional information, check out the Green Project's blog. Also, stay tuned to our blog for more information regarding HandsOn New Orleans' soon to come DIY Workshop Series. 

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